Friday, February 1, 2013


About two , three months ago I purchased a Southern Rock Scorpion from the Petstore next to Victoria Market in North Melbourne. He was very cheap and I did not need any form of licence.
Funnily enough the sales attendant nearly sold me a pregnant female scorpion which was apparently about to burst! That would be the last thing I wanted as a first time owner of such a little critter.

Before you ask, No, the little bugger is not venomous but to be fair, I haven’t been stung yet to find out. But if it is, I'll be sure to upload a picture from hospital.

He was relatively cheap and easy to maintain. I acquired  a big fish tank I found around at home, in perfect conditions 2 foot X 1 foot (lw). This allows me to even purchase more scorpions in the future if I wish to. I set it up with the substrate Coir Peat Moss, though I believe it the substrate differs between varying scorpions . I have added a twigs and pieces of bark around for him to hide under and even have a miniature elephant statue for flavour purposes !

Feeding time, now leads me to a controversial subject among vegans. I can only feed him live insects as that’s they only type they eat. Before you bite my head off fellow vegans, think carefully about what you feed your pets, if you could feed them a herbivore diet, are you? I simply can't therefore I make the best of a bad situation. I leave the insect food and I have a bottle cap of water on the side of the cage so if the Scorpion decides not to eat it, it can survive. These unfortunate little souls are normally crickets as they come with extra packets of food for the little buggers. Thankfully a Scorpion only needs to eat once a month on average and can go much longer.

Things I Have Learnt While Owning  A Scorpion
-They love the dark and only seem to hunt it's prey under the cover of darkness.
-Spend 99% of the time hiding or burrowing in the substrate.
-Are relatively docile and friendly to touch
- Will only pinch you when threatened or when I am stupid.
-Glow under blacklights!
- Actually have a funny cute little scurry

I decided to name my Scorpion  Scream. Why ?  Well it's a kickass name. I was tempted for Hammer or Thor but Scream sounds much more piercing . Much more scary. There's a reason it's a successful horror franchise.  Say hello to Scream, if you dare!

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